Creating Memorable & Interesting Charactors: On Camera FILM Audition Workshop (Katrina Cook)
REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN for an ON-CAMERA FILM AUDITION Workshop with Casting Director, Katrina Cook in Dallas, TX.
"Creating Memorable & Interesting Characters /On-Camera Audition Workshop"
Summer Workshop for Kids, Teens & Adults! New Content for 2017!
Valuable information that will change how you do auditions!
Includes: Video Clips from Workshop + Feedback Form to take home with you!
FAQ: How do I create a more interesting character to catch the attention of the Casting Director? --This workshop provides a way to discover this answer and how it relates to you!
"What a wonderful workshop! Thank you for your feedback and instruction. " - Kimberly
Workshop Topics:
Being Memorable & Interesting - Being predictable is boring. It won't book you the role.
Standing out from the Crowd - I see literally thousands of videos per project, back to back. Sometimes it's all just a big blur. How do you pull yourself out from the "blur" and increase your chances of getting that "Callback!"
Creative openers - Directors watch about 5 seconds of your video/audition before making the decision of "no." Learn tips to make these 5 seconds count.
Making Strong Choices - Creative ways to make strong choices to ensure that your performance will be different.
The Grid - what it is and how to use it to help you make strong choices.
I get so many parents asking about seeing the videos clips from class, so this time it is INCLUDED in with the workshop!!
On-Camera Workshop with Feedback Forms & Video Clips of your performances that you can take home with you!
DATE: SAT July 22, 2017 TIME: 10am-4pm (6 HOURS) LOCATION: DALLAS, TX (North/area)
Join Casting Director Katrina Cook in a 1-day workshop of audition prep and performance.
OPEN FOR ALL AGES. First time, Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced actors are all welcome! Kids must be able to read by themselves. Scene content & language is appropriate for all ages, and age-appropriate scenes will be used for minors.
Class size is limited for individual attention.
Workshop Prep: You will be sent a scene via email 2 days before the workshop, you will prepare this scene as you would for an actual audition.
REGISTRATION FEE: $225 (payment plan available)
INCLUDES: 1 day workshop, feedback form, video clips of all scenes/performances via email (for personal use & review), and personal attention and critique during the workshop.
Strictly limited to 14 students. First come basis. Payment required to hold your spot. If you need payment plan options, email me, I will work with you as long as you make consistent payments. A waiting list will be opened once the 14 spots are booked.This workshop contains trade secrets and you will be required to sign a NDA (non-disclosure agreement) and confidentiality statement.
Payment options: 1) Paypal 2) Credit / Debit Card /e-check
Parents: We have a waiting area for Parents, or you can drop off/pick up.
To Register: 1) Send an email to: KATZ@KATZKASTING.COM 2) Subject: Summer Workshop 2017 3) Include the name of the Participant, phone number, headshot & resume, and age range (for adults) or age (for minors). This will allow me to select the most appropriate scenes for you or your child. 4) Payment in full due at the time of Registration. If you want to pay it out in installments, let me know how you would like to set it up and pay dates. I will work with you, but you will need to make regular payments and be in communication with me of any delays. 5) No cash refunds. If you are unable to attend the workshop, it can be transferred to another student or another class/private consultation/or anything I offer in the future. 6) An invoice will be sent using Paypal's secure servers. You may pay using a PayPal balance, or your debit/credit card or an e-check.
Since this includes personal attention, registration will be strictly limited. Sign up early to make sure you get a spot!
Look forward to seeing you and helping you create better performances for better auditions! Katrina