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Katz Kasting Casting Notice:

Project Name; Mom Production Company: LifeLine Entertainment Producer: Roy Thomasson Director: Austin Foxx Casting Director: Katrina Cook Katz Kasting


Notes: Austin Foxx is 12 years old and is the Writer, Director and Lead on this project. This short film's goal is to submit for an Academy Award nomination using marketing buzz: Written and Directed by a 12-year old boy, all 3 lead roles are under 13 years old, and deals with the hard topic of parental drug abuse and overdose.


Project Type: Short Drama

Logline/Brief Synopsis:

Mom is about William Grace a twelve-year-old boy, who lives with his mother Emily and his two younger siblings Alex 10 and Aurora 6. William arrives home on the last day of school, to find his mother dead of a drug overdose in her bedroom. Fearing that the police will come and take him and his siblings away, like he saw happening on the news to immigrant families. He decides to hide her death and take on the role of "Mom" to keep his family together. But the tables are quickly turned when he finds out that being the adult isn’t all it is cutout to be, with juggling book club, shopping, cooking, bills and two younger kids is more than one boy can handle!


Union Status: SAG ULB /Union or Non-Union

Paid: $125 day + 10% AF

Days Needed: 1-5 days

Film Dates: 03/09/2019 through 03/17/2019.

Shoot Location: Around the Fort Worth, TX area.

LOCAL HIRE ONLY. No expenses are paid.

Travel: Not Included/Provided by Actor Lodging: Not Included/Provided by Actor Per Diem: N/A Meals/Snacks: Included


Character Breakdown:

  • Alex (Caucasian male, 8 years old dark brown hair, Stubborn but outgoing)

  • Aurora (Caucasian female, 6 years old, long curly blonde hair. Cute, curious and a little shy)

  • Mrs. Robinson (Hispanic female, 25 to 30 years old, long dark hair. Caring, concerned teacher)

  • Emily (Caucasian female, 35 to 45 years old, Sandy Blonde hair. Tired drug user look)

  • Mr. Robinson (African American male 25 to 35 years old. Tall athletic Police Officer type. )

  • Jimmy (Male All Ethnicities 14 to 16 years old 8th grader. Jock Athlete type)

  • Cashier (All Ethnicities 19 to 25 year old Female)

  • Marcus (All Ethnicities 11 to 13 year old Heavyset 6th grader)

  • Bagger (All Ethnicities 16 to 19 year old Male)

  • Ms. Baker (All Ethnicities 55 to 65 year old)

  • Nurse (All Ethnicities 30 to 40 year old Female)

  • Rilie (Caucasian 12 to 15 year old Female 7th grader Cheerleader type)

  • Drug Dealer (Male, 25-40) stereotypical drug dealer type on the street corner in the bad side of town. Sketchy.

To submit:

  1. Go to

  2. Click LOGIN (or Join Database)

  3. Find "EVENTS" on the top bar

  4. Look under OPEN EVENTS (for events you have not responded to) (if you have already confirmed an event, you will find it under SIGNED EVENTS)

  5. Find the Event with the Movie Title (Events titled BOOKED means you have been BOOKED, all others are Submission pages)

  6. Change your talent status to "Confirm"

  7. You will receive an email video audition request once your submission has been approved. At least one photo is required. You can add 2 photos for free to your casting profile.

  8. By getting in the database it will put you on the Katz Kasting mailing list for ALL projects that Katz Kasting casts, both speaking roles and extras. You can delete your profile after this casting if you do not want to do other work with Katz Kasting.

To submit:

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